Spread Kindness Forever Thankful Friday

Forever Thankful – Friday

It is amazing what this time of year can do to people’s behaviors and the increase in their awareness to spread kindness. Just the other day I was in line at a drive-thru to get coffee. As I pulled up to the window with my money ready, I learned that the car in front of me paid for my beverage. In great spirits, I decided to pay for the car behind me. As I left the drive-thru, I thought how one simple act of kindness can change the course of that moment and for me, that day.  

Unfortunately, rudeness can spread in the same way. How many times have you been the recipient to someone’s rudeness, and it spoiled that moment or took a while to shake it off. Think about it; kindness and rudeness both have a ripple effect.

The Challenge: Continue the ripple effect by sharing your blessings, talent, time, or whatever you can to spread kindness and help others today and every day. For those that show you or others uncivil behavior, be even more kind to them. Acts of kindness are appreciated more than words can say and can spread farther than we know.

 #Tipsfortheweek #SpreadKindness

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