Everyday Well Being

3-Tips for Everyday Well-Being

We tend to be creatures of habit, forming routines and behaviors naturally, without thought, and fairly quickly. I continuously see people spend more effort on maintaining their car, house, and taking care of others than themselves. We always tend to ignore our everyday well-being. At times, I am guilty of this, however awareness and continual reflection and action will help maintain a balance between productive personal and career health.

As we know, undesirable behaviors are hard to change. Behavior modification starts with the mind. So why not establish smarter habits to feed our three essential components that make who we are. Take time to focus on your mind, body, and soul. 

Having a hard time focusing and getting things accomplished?

Stimulate your mind by setting realistic goals. Establish a few tasks to tackle each day. Solve complex challenges or projects by breaking them down into smaller ventures. 

Feed your body by being active and eating healthier. Once a day, park further than you normally would from the grocery store or office, take the steps instead of the elevator, use one less scoop of sugar in your coffee, or replace a soda with water. Your body is a temple that safeguards your mind and soul. It is imperative that you keep your temple walls strong.

Satisfy your soul by reflecting on your values and goals. Are you happy with the direction you’re going in your career? Are you spending time enjoying family and friends as much as you would like? Are you doing the things that you enjoy?  

Challenge yourself by being SMARTER.

Use the SMARTER principle for your personal and professional goals. Are your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-based, Exciting, and Recorded? Plan to accomplish only a few tasks each day. Not only will you become accustomed to being productive, but also, you will be able to reach your desired goals.   

Fuel your mental, physical and passion by planning and then act. You owe it to yourself toward becoming a better you!

What is getting in the way of you reaching and maintaining personal and professional well-being?
What key components do you use and follow to maintain everyday well-being?

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